Changing Perceptions of People With
Disabilities Through Digital Storytelling
Changing Perceptions of People With
Disabilities Through Digital Storytelling
Join us in changing the world’s perceptions of people living with disabilities. Help us to promote the concept of what many of us already know – that people with disabilities are unique and able and are contributing to society in valuable ways.
We welcome your support. Whether it is helping to fund our project through a donation, supplying us with an important contact, or simply giving us your ideas, we want to hear from you. Be sure to ask us about unique funding opportunities and sponsorships that are available to you. Unique & Able, Inc., is a 501 (c)(3) nonprofit organization and donations are tax deductible to the fullest extent of the law.
Your gift will will provide people with disabilities a platform on which to tell their story, to inspire others in the community, and, ultimately, to put into the public realm narratives that rewrite perceptions of the disabled. Thank you!